Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of discussion and focus on the concepts of grit and resiliency, and how to foster those character traits, not only in our children, but ourselves. It can be, oh, so easy to beat ourselves up for the mistakes, or choices we have made. To fixate on the ways people, or social systems have hurt and wronged us. Or, to focus on the areas of our lives in which we have failed, or not quite measured up.

On the flip side, phrases like, “pick yourself up by your boot straps” and “suck it up buttercup” have also made their way into the conversation. This type of talk can be a welcomed challenge to some, while feel very condemning to others. I would propose that somewhere in between is the answer. Something we have determined takes a balance of grit and grace.

Within the lines of this space we will work through and discuss thoughts around these concepts. How do we build up and live out grit and resiliency in all areas of our lives? Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Physically. How do we foster grit and resiliency in the lives of those within our circle of influence? I believe there is true joy to be experienced when an individual is able to discover and live out grit and grace. Join us on the journey.