We are two sisters, living average lives. Our stories are so vanilla we would never be selected as a team for the Amazing Race (actually a little heartbreaking). As Midwestern, middle-class, married women with busy lives, we blend in well. We’ve both experienced years as stay-at-home moms and the balancing act of being working mothers. So what motivates two average sisters to blog?

The search to find joy in the everyday is relatable.

This is our place to share how we are actively seeking joy. Joy in the little things (like reading). Joy in the struggles and victories (that often take grit and grace). Joy in the everyday.

Welcome to The Daily Joy!



After graduating from college, Juanita spent most of her “adulting” life serving at her church in music and creative arts ministry and being a stay-at-home mom to her and her husband’s three boys. Lots of miles were put on the family vehicle driving to sporting and school events! She also supported her husband in their family landscape contracting business, advocating for women at a local domestic violence shelter, and being at the church every time the doors were open, or closed for that matter. When their oldest son was a senior in high school they began the adoption process of their daughter from Guatemala. Within a short time after the adoption was complete they moved from their home of almost thirteen years in Branson, MO to Lafayette, IN, where her husband took a position with Purdue University. After moving to Lafayette, Juanita started working in social services in various capacities, primarily working with victims of violent crime and completed her masters. Juanita currently works at Purdue University in the Office of the Dean of Students providing case management for students in crisis and serving on the Behavioral Intervention Team. She is blessed to have a ten month position, which allows her to spend her summers enjoying the Lake Michigan shoreline and spending quality time with their five g-littles.

Juanita has a BS in Legal Studies with an emphasis in Criminal Law, and a MA in Human Services, with an emphasis in Marriage and Family.  

Michelle started her professional career as an educational technology trainer, but quickly transitioned to a job she loved as a first grade teacher in a public school. She married the man of her dreams after college and following the birth of their oldest son, became a stay-at-home mom who loved to read aloud to her kids. Four kids, one dog, one master’s degree, and eight years later, she was persuaded to become the Children’s Ministries Director at their home church. When her youngest started kindergarten, she transitioned out of vocational ministry and started working as an adjunct professor at her alma mater. During this time, a former professor suggested she earn a doctorate. Although she initially laughed at the idea and responded with a firm “no way”, after much prayer and consideration pursuing a doctorate became a reality. Michelle is passionate about early literacy and children’s literature, and enjoys sharing her love of these topics with others. Her favorite way to spend a summer day is reading on the beach! She and her family currently live in northern Indiana, where she attempts to balance home (with two in college and two in high school) and working as a full-time professor.

Michelle has a BA in Elementary Education, a MS in Elementary Education and Reading, and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction.

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